“From Sensing to Sentience: How Feeling Emerges from the Brain” with Professor Todd Feinberg

From Sensing to Sentience on Bridging the Gaps

Sentience is the feeling aspect of consciousness, encompassing the capacity to experience sensations such as pain, pleasure, and emotions. It is the foundation of subjective experience, distinguishing beings that can feel from those that merely process information or react reflexively. Sentience is a crucial component of consciousness. A key question in studying sentience is how it emerges—whether it arises from complex neural processes, a particular form of computation, or something more fundamental. In his book “From Sensing to Sentience: How Feeling Emerges from the Brain”, Professor Todd Feinberg introduces “Neurobiological Emergentism (NBE)”, a theory explaining how sentience naturally arises as an emergent property of brain functions. Emergent properties are features of a system that do not exist in its individual parts but arise through their interactions. Integrating biological, neurobiological, evolutionary, and philosophical perspectives, Feinberg argues that sentience emerges as a “system-level property” of complex neural interactions. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with Professor Todd Feinbergy.

Dr. Todd Feinberg is a board certified neurologist and psychiatrist and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Icahn School Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.

We begin by exploring the basic sensory abilities of single-celled organisms, examining how they react to their environment and survive. We then trace the evolution of multicellular organisms, discussing that when they developed into more complex systems, there is a broader substrate for sensing. A key focus is how sensory abilities laid the foundation for the evolution of advanced neurobiological systems, ultimately leading to sentience. We discuss in detail how simple sensory functions in early life forms gradually evolved into the rich experiences of animals with complex nervous systems.

A central idea in the book is that “sentience emerges” as a property of complex neural systems. This perspective helps bridge the gap between neuroscience and philosophy, providing a natural explanation for how subjective experiences arise from the brain. We explore this argument in depth. Overall, this discussion provides valuable insights into the origins of sentience and its role in the evolution of consciousness.

Complement this discussion with “Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness” with Professor Nicholas Humphrey and then listen to “The Network of Life: A New View of Evolution” with Professor David Mindell

By |February 9th, 2025|Neuroscience, Podcasts, Research|

“Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness” with Professor Nicholas Humphrey

Sentience Book Reviewed on Bridging the Gaps

We experience, thus we exist. Our conscious perceptions form the foundation of our self-awareness. They play a vital role in shaping our understanding of ourselves as sentient beings: present, alive, and significant. However, what is the origin of consciousness, and how does the process of experiencing sensations and developing a sense of awareness contribute to its emergence? Is this capacity limited solely to humans? Do other animals share this ability? And what about the potential for future machines?

In his book “Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness” neuropsychologist Professor Nicholas Humphrey uncovers the evolutionary history of consciousness and argues that consciousness evolved to make us feel that life is worth living. Drawing upon his groundbreaking research on social intelligence, as well as his intriguing findings on blindsight in monkeys and profound insights into the philosophy of mind, Professor Humphrey outlines a fascinating narrative to unveil the evolutionary origins of consciousness. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with Professor Nicholas Humphrey.

Nicholas Humphrey, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the London School of Economics, is a theoretical psychologist, who studies the evolution of intelligence and consciousness. He was the first to demonstrate the existence of “blindsight” in monkeys. He has also studied mountain gorillas with Dian Fossey in Rwanda, and proposed the celebrated theory of the “social function of intellect,”. His research holds profound significance in exploring and unravelling the mysteries of the mind and its evolutionary underpinnings.

We start off by discussing the enigma surrounding the emergence of consciousness and the challenges encountered when attempting to understand its nature and origins. Professor Nicholas Humphrey’s book introduces the intriguing concepts of cognitive consciousness and phenomenal consciousness, which we thoroughly explore during our conversation. We then discuss in detail the concept of sentience as presented and explained in this book. We delve into the evolutionary perspective, examining why consciousness became an adaptive trait and how it evolved within living organisms. An intriguing question arises: if our early animal ancestors possessed cognitive consciousness, how did it transition into phenomenal consciousness? Could there exist an observable threshold, such as brain size, neuron count, or processing capacity, at which cognitive consciousness transforms into phenomenal consciousness? We then discuss the fascinating notion of blindsight and its relevance to the theory of consciousness presented in the book. We then delve into the complex concept of sensations, exploring how the firing of neurons and the movement of electric signals within the brain give rise to our subjective experience of consciousness. Lastly, we explore the possibility of consciousness emerging within machines, contemplating its potential evolution beyond organic life.

Complement this discussion with The Case Against Reality” and The Hard Problem of Consciousness with Professor Donald Hoffman and then listen to From Consciousness to Synthetic Consciousness: From One Unknown to Another Unknown with David Chalmers

By |July 15th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, Podcasts, Research|

“Zero to Birth: How the Human Brain Is Built” with Professor William Harris

Zero to Birth reviewed on Bridging the Gaps

A single fertilised egg generates an embryo. Different cell types in this embryo develop into various organs of a new human being, including a new human brain. Everything starts with a single fertilised egg, and in the embryo, some embryonic cells develop into neural stem cells that construct the brain. By the time a baby is born, its brain is already made up of billions of precisely designed neurons that are connected by trillions of synapses to form a small, compact but incredibly powerful supercomputer. In his recent book “Zero to Birth: How the Human Brain Is Built” pioneering experimental neurobiologist professor William Harris takes the reader on an incredible journey to the very edge of creation, from the moment an egg is fertilised to every stage of a human brain’s development in the womb — and even a bit beyond. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with Professor William Harris the process of how the brain is built.

William Harris is professor emeritus of anatomy at the University of Cambridge. He is the coauthor of Development of the Nervous System and Genetic Neurobiology and the co-editor of Retinal Development. He is a fellow of the Royal Society.

We begin by examining the evolutionary history of the brain, which spans billions of years and in the Proterozoic eon, when multicellular animals first descended from single-celled organisms, and then we discuss how the development of a fetal brain over the course of nine months reflects the brain’s evolution through the ages. We discuss the emergence of first neural stem cells and how the formation of the neural plate and then its progress to the neural tube give the first glimpses of the development of the brain in an embryo. We discuss in detail how cells divide and create neural stem cells and then how these stem cells start producing neurons. A fascinating topic that we then cover is how individual neurons form connections with other neurons. Professor Harris explains how comparative animal studies have been crucial to understanding what makes a human brain human, and how advances in science are assisting us in understanding many qualities that don’t manifest until later in life. This has been a fascinating discussion on an intriguing topic.

Complement this discussion with The Spike: Journey of Electric Signals in Brain from Perception to Action with Professor Mark Humphries and then listen to The Self-Assembling Brain” and the Quest for Artificial General Intelligence with Professor Peter Robin Hiesinger

By |October 15th, 2022|Biology, Neuroscience, Podcasts, Research|